Orkut scrap problem (XSS attack)

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Yesterday there was a massive scrap problem on orkut. Users are getting scraps from there friends with the message "2008 vem ai... que ele comece mto bem para vc". They  can get hacked even if they try to read their scraps. There is an XSS( Cross site scripting) prevailing in the scrapbook, which allows the execution of malicious script, which can preform following actions:

    * Stealing their cookies
    * Logging them out and redirecting them to a fake page
    * Logging them out and redirecting them to a page which automatically installs keylogger, viruses in their computer system.
    Orkut has also recognized this problem and they have started removing these scraps.

So don't open your scrapbook for sometime.
Update :  If  you are facing some problem in posting scraps to your friends, possible reasons are :

1. Make sure the user is your friend on orkut, because some people may block other users to post scraps on their profile.

2. Make sure the user, the profile where you are writing scrap, haven't blocked your profile.

3. If orkut ask you to enter some text from an image (Captcha), fill it correctly.  
orkut, scrap, scrapbook, problem
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 Solution for this :

Firefox (easier):
- Install the extension Flashblock
[Https: / /]
- Restart Firefox and ready
If you do not have Firefox, download here:

Internet Explorer:
- Go to the Tools Menu-> Internet Options
- Click on the Security tab
- In Zone of web content let selected Internet
- Click Custom Level ...
- Find the part where is Plugi-ins and ActiveX controls of the
- Disable the option Run controls and plugi-ins of ActiveX

With that you will no longer see for example the videos from YouTube, both in and outside Orkut, but at least you will be safe.

I suggest you download Firefox because it is easier to enable and disable.

 By : vikas on 19 Dec 2007 01:46 am
 hi how r u
 By : vikas on Jan 03, 2008 03:37 am
 i m not able to send scraps to my frnds....
plz help me in this
 By : amit on Jan 13, 2008 11:16 am
 i m not able to send scraps to my frnds....
plz help me in this
 By : Vivek Sharma on Feb 08, 2008 08:13 am
 i am not able 2 send scraps to my friends....plzz help me
 By : harshad on Apr 01, 2008 11:44 am
 hey hii..
am not able to send scraps to any of my friends at all..cud u just help me out in it..
 By : rakesh on Apr 10, 2008 01:46 pm
 when i send any scrap or add any friend in my friend list this is a error is being seen

''You have temporarily been disallowed from performing this action. Please try again after some time. ''
 By : anurag on Apr 27, 2008 11:10 am
 Hi All

If you are facing some problem while posting scrap to orkut, make sure that you are not posting any dangerous html or javascript code in your scrap .

Best way is to post only text messages.

Comment here, if you still face Orkut scrap problem .
 By : vikas on 27 Apr 2008 01:03 pm
 not able to send scrap,wen evr i am trying to send a scrap itz not taking any command.on the left bottom i am getting javascript void(0)
 By : manish on Apr 30, 2008 12:47 pm
 By : RAHUL on May 06, 2008 10:20 am
 added frnd is not displayed in the frnds list on the home page
 By : rockey on Jun 04, 2008 02:21 pm
 I am not able to reply or sent any scrap.... pls help me out.
 By : AShok on Jun 09, 2008 12:15 pm
 not able to send scrap when ever iam tring to scrap itz not any command.onthe leftbottom i am getting javascriptvoid(0)
 By : charanjeetsingh on Jul 18, 2008 03:34 am
 please help
i m not able to post scraps
please suggest me
and send sugestion on my id
plzzzzzz plzzzz help me
its very urgent
 By : ashu ghai on Mar 22, 2009 03:39 am
 not able to send scrap when ever iam tring to scrap itz not any command.onthe leftbottom i am getting javascriptvoid(0)
 By : prahlad on Mar 23, 2009 11:49 am
 i am not able to sent any scrap...
plz help me..
 By : chandan kumar on Apr 07, 2009 01:25 pm
 My scrap is not posting to my friends , please help me its urgent
 By : Gautam Narvekar on Apr 18, 2009 10:37 am
 My scraps are not posting to my friends through my orkut mobile, so please sort out this problem as soon as possible...
 By : Gautam Narvekar on Apr 23, 2009 12:53 am
 i m not able 2 scrap my freind in my frendlist...
plzzz help wat 2 do...although i can receive the scrap..
 By : ruma on Apr 26, 2009 04:33 am
 im not able 2 scrap my freind in my frendlist...
plzzz help wat 2 do...although i can receive the scrap..
 By : bipin on May 01, 2009 06:58 am
 sir plzz help me "when i want to send any scraps to my friend on orkut they show's error message like>"posting to this user has been tempraory disable" please help me as soon as possible.....

 By : Prateek on May 28, 2009 04:30 am
 im not able 2 scrap my freind in my frendlist...
plzzz help wat 2 do...although i can receive the scrap
 By : rudra on Jul 04, 2009 12:42 pm
 Most possile reasons for all those, who are not able to send scrap to a particular friend is, your feiend may have blocked you from posting scraps on their profile.
 By : vikas on 04 Jul 2009 02:57 pm
 i have deleted all my scraps
plz excuss me to restore all my scraps as possile as
 By : ._.-s@r@ny@... @@@@##### on Jul 14, 2009 07:48 am
 not able to send scrap when ever iam tring to scrap itz not any command.onthe leftbottom i am getting javascriptvoid(0)
 By : sreedas on Jul 26, 2009 02:40 am
 sir plzz help me "when i want to send any scraps to my friend on orkut they show's error message like>"posting to this user has been tempraory disable" please help me as soon as possible.....
 By : diljeet on Aug 21, 2009 02:20 pm
 I m temprery nt able to send d scrap to my frnds. I face dat prblm several time......
 By : Sanjeev sharma on Sep 02, 2009 01:57 am
 I m temprery nt able to send d scrap to my frnds. I face dat prblm several time......
 By : Sanjeev sharma on Sep 02, 2009 01:57 am
 I am temrerly nt able to send d scrap kindly help asap........
 By : Sanjeev sharma on Sep 02, 2009 02:05 am
 Dear sir
I m facing d same problem again reards sending scraps i m nt able to send it kindly resolve it asap................
 By : Sanjeev sharma on Sep 02, 2009 04:48 am
 Sanjeev, Explain your problem in detail, then May be someone will be able to suggest you a solution.
 By : vikas on 02 Sep 2009 05:32 am
 Dear Sir,

I m nt able to send the scrap to my friends. I mostly use orkut from mobile nd i faced d same problem again nd again kindly resolve it asap
Sanjeev sharma
 By : Sanjeev sharma on Sep 02, 2009 11:32 pm
 i am not able to send scrap to any of my friend..
 By : ahishek verma on Sep 09, 2009 01:26 pm
 i am not able to send scrap to any of my friend..
 By : Rahul bansal on Sep 13, 2009 04:10 am
 sir plzz help me "when i want to send any scraps to my friend on orkut they show's error message like>"posting to this user has been tempraory disable" please help me as soon as possible.....

 By : rupankar pathak on Sep 16, 2009 02:11 am
 current scraps are nt being displayed in the corner.plz help me out...
 By : jjjj on Sep 19, 2009 02:05 pm
 i m not able to scrap or add a frnd

 By : chetan kumar on Oct 06, 2009 01:47 pm
 i m not able to scrap or add a frnd

 By : chetan kumar on Oct 06, 2009 01:47 pm
 Hi when ever i try to send scrap to my friends in the list i am getting this error "posting to this user has been tempraory disable" .

Let me know wat i should do?
 By : manoj on Oct 18, 2009 10:55 am
 hi when i want to send scrap any 1 my friend then it is writing that posting to this user has been tempraory disable" .so what can i do for this problem...
 By : ajay kumar on Oct 29, 2009 01:37 am
 m nt able to send scraps to my friends.this problem started suddenly while i was chating vd my friend..its nt evn showing any warning message.
 By : arti on Oct 31, 2009 02:52 am
 when i am sending scrap to my one particuler frnd .shwos that "u cant creat a scrap" ....but my frnd. doesnt blocked me...
 By : tilak sinha roy on Nov 04, 2009 02:54 am
 whenever i post scrp 2 my frnd,orkut always shows a verification code...wht's's very disgusting 2 type that image every time...this type of problm never happened before...
 By : robin on Nov 16, 2009 04:33 am
 i cannot send scrap 2 1 my bst frd..
please help ma....
 By : Abhishek on Dec 15, 2009 11:12 am
 when ever i post a scrap code to my friends scrapbook ,but he recieve only codes there not displayed scraps there,so pls help me and how can i solve these problems?i waiting for your veryhelpful reason
 By : shef on Jan 16, 2010 02:39 pm
 im not able to see my scraps in scrap book..its nearly 500 scraps...when i click on scrap book it displays no to see>>>????
 By : tarun on Jan 17, 2010 08:20 am
 i m nt able to delet scraps in my account, its showing page error plz help. regars
 By : genuinep on Feb 01, 2010 04:52 am
 I want to send scrap to those who is not my frnd in Orkut..
Can u just help me out how to send scraps to my non-orkut frnds.
. Plzzzz...........
 By : Navin Marshall on Mar 01, 2010 04:28 am
 hey, i have got 187 scraps in orkut.... but wen i wanna see them its not possible to see... i wanted to deleted them all...but i cant...its not it bcoz i clicked report spam?

pls reply
 By : nandana on Mar 23, 2010 04:58 pm
 i am not able scrap my friends nd even not open my scrapbook. always i open it internet explorer finds an error. plz help. its very urgent
 By : ankita on Apr 08, 2010 07:10 am
 hiiiiiii dear ,!!thanks!!
your tips is very good
 By : mohan rai on May 07, 2010 09:27 am
 I cant send scraps to my orkt frnds pls hlp me.
 By : Anand on May 17, 2010 03:11 am
 Am nt abl 2 send scraps my frnds. This prblm startd sudnly....
Plz... plz.. Help.
 By : Anand shitole on May 17, 2010 03:22 am
 I can't sent scraps to my friends..pls help me
 By : Akhil on May 25, 2010 02:10 am
 hey I have a big problem my orkut profile is sending scraps but I can't get any me and some of my friends in my friends list are fasing this probl;em my sister for examplel is sending me scraps I can see it in the scrap box but when I log on to the scrapbook option it's nil ....pls help me reply as soon as possible in my email
 By : Bernado on Jun 10, 2010 05:31 am
 i ve problem of sending sracp & i can't search my friends so please give me suggession wht to do? i am waiting of ur reply
 By : lalita on Jun 10, 2010 06:30 am
 my srcaps r not being posted on my friends scrapbook
 By : anirban on Jun 10, 2010 11:01 am
 sir plzz help me "when i want to send any scraps to my friend on orkut they show's error message like>"posting to this user has been tempraory disable" please help me as soon as possible.....
 By : syed mazid on Jun 10, 2010 02:01 pm
 sir plzz help me "when i want to send any scraps to my friend on orkut they show's error message like>"posting to this user has been tempraory disable" please help me as soon as possible.....
 By : mazid on Jun 10, 2010 02:02 pm
 Dear Orkut administrator,
I am very much glad to have an account on orkut...might be other social sites are popular in worldwide, but in indian subcontinent i am very much pleased wid this social site. I am having account from past 2-3 years.
Now i am facing some problems so that i need ur kind and positive assistance to come out from this odd situations.
On the afternoon of 10th june 2010, when i checked my account, at that time i was having my all scraps and it was approximately 17200, but again when evening of same date i was checking my account my scrapbook was showing only 500 scraps.... I am worried about such performance by my most favorite social site and i need to see all my scraps back. Earlier it was happen wid me and at that moment i lost my 1000 scraps but now the numbers of scraps are too high.... now its more dan 17000 scraps
I need ur kind and positive consideration from ur side and i m hoping dat u will do a favor to me and thus i can carry on a trust which i have in a bulk for ORKUT.
my orkut id is
Mehdi Rizvi
New Delhi.
 By : Haider Rizvi on Jun 10, 2010 07:12 pm
 sir plzz help me "when i want to send any scraps to my friend on orkut they show's error message like>"posting to this user has been tempraory disable" please help me as soon as possible.....

 By : syed mazid on Jun 11, 2010 01:25 am
 @syed "posting to this user has been tempraory disable" means this user has blocked you from posting scraps :)
 By : raj_fun on 11 Jun 2010 01:54 am
 sir i am not able to sent scraps to my frnds plz help me
 By : sofia on Jun 11, 2010 04:06 am
 By : RAJEEV on Jun 11, 2010 06:59 am
 By : RAJEEV on Jun 11, 2010 07:01 am
 sir plzz help me "when i want to send any scraps to my friend on orkut they show's error message like>"posting to this user has been tempraory disable" please help me as soon as possible.....
 By : Rajakumar on Jun 19, 2010 03:42 am
 i m not able to send scrap to one of my friend .whnever i try to write a message"u cannotcreate this scrap" is displayed.why.pls help
 By : piya on Jun 19, 2010 09:15 am
 hiya u oryt plzz help me "when i want to send any scraps to my friend on orkut they show's error message like>"posting to this user has been tempraory disable" please help me as soon as possible.....this happens wiv my all the frnds .i made a check wiv them they didnt block me so plz help me out.......thanx....
 By : rubpreet kaur grewal on Jun 21, 2010 08:48 am
 i am not ablee to add scrraps on my own account
 By : satnam singh on Jul 12, 2010 01:43 am
 sending by me scrap on my friend scrap book not show it's problem i face long time .........

pla help .......
 By : mukesh on Jul 19, 2010 06:38 am
 i am getting a problem with my orkut like

Your profile has been locked out.
Your orkut account has been suspended because your Google password may have been compromised. Please verify your identity to restore your account and change your password after that.

To protect yourself, always check that your address bar reads "" when sharing your orkut user name and password. Never share your password with friends or on any site not authenticated by Google.

give me a solution pls ......................
 By : lavanya on Aug 14, 2010 10:47 am
 i am getting a problem with my orkut like

Your profile has been locked out.
Your orkut account has been suspended because your Google password may have been compromised. Please verify your identity to restore your account and change your password after that.

To protect yourself, always check that your address bar reads \"\" when sharing your orkut user name and password. Never share your password with friends or on any site not authenticated by Google.

give me a solution pls ......................

my id:
 By : LAVANYA on Aug 14, 2010 10:49 am
 My scrap is not sending 2 my friend so please help me.
 By : Slim shady on Oct 06, 2010 05:20 am
 My scrab is not sending 2 my friend so please help me its urgent.
 By : Slim shady on Oct 07, 2010 04:18 am
 My scrap is nt sending so please help me its urgent.
 By : Slim shady on Oct 07, 2010 04:20 am
 My scrap is nt sending 2 my friends so please help me it urgent.
 By : Slim shady on Oct 07, 2010 03:53 pm
 My scrap is not sending 2 all my friend so please help me out.
 By : Slim shady on Oct 08, 2010 04:02 am
 My scrap is nt sending please help its urgent.
 By : Slim shady. on Oct 08, 2010 07:38 am
 My scrap is nt sending 2 my friend so please help me it urgent.
 By : Slim shady. on Oct 08, 2010 11:16 am
 by mistake i click on scraps n then bolck image from.....
plz tell me how i view again my scrap image..
plzz give me suggesition on my id...
 By : vij on Apr 30, 2011 11:01 am
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