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As per the nice saying, "first impression is the last impression".One has to subscribe to this saying when going on a first date. Here are few things you shouldn't do on a first date.
Guys, If you come across any Post on facebook that says GET A FREE facebook T-SHIRT, please Ignore it. This is scam to still your private informatio....
Here is a list of grammatically-insane phrases found in common Indian English  :
Common wealth scholarship plan, New Zealand awards-2011
It’s really exasperating to see fuel prices skyrocketing, right? We can only feel helpless in the face of recurring and economy-driven price fluctuations.  Seeking measures to im....
Reducing your carbon footprint doesn't require an entire lifestyle overhaul. Start with a few of these simple swaps and habits and you'll even slash your energy bills.
Dating is picking up popularity in India, as a means to find a partner. But the quest to find ‘the one’ entails meeting all kinds of....
DESPITE a barrage of online a....
Lowering cholesterol is one of the most imperative things to do to promote overall heart health. And now Metamucil and Dr. Michael Roizen, Chairman of t....
A cash cow for the enterprising, the Internet is littered with opportunities to make a fast buck. While it rarely qualifies as a solitary source of income, the Net can easily help you ....
Do you feel that all your colleagues are friends? Or that your life is all about your job? You could be wrong.
Does the fear of being sacked haunts you all time?wel....
Personally, I think email is such a fabulous invention! (It's fast,....
Always thought other people have all the luck? Well, this is beca....
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